Tuesday, December 9, 2008

5 Things Tag

5 Things I was doing 10 years ago:

1. I had only been married for 5 months!
2. Going to Weber State
3. Working at Iverson Dental
4. I was Nursery leader at church. (boy was that good birth control!)
5. I was only 21 !!!

5 things on my to do list today:

1. Clean my house
2. Laundry
3. Mail Christmas cards
4. Volunteer in Kendell and Hagen's classes
5. Make dinner :(

5 favorite snacks

1. Anything chocolate
2. Fruit
3. Wheat Thins
4. Popcorn
5. Diet Coke (with any of the above)

5 things I would do if I was a millionaire

1. Pay off my house
2. Help others
3. Travel
4. Put in a pool
5. Redecorate my house

5 places I've lived

1. Home with my parents
2. Little white house in Harrisville
3. 2nd little white house in Harrsiville
4. My parent's basement while we were building our house
5. My House now

5 jobs I've had

Sad to say I haven't had five jobs. Unless you count all the different jobs I did for my dad's work, Oral X. Oh, the memories of folding boxes and labeling syringes.
I worked the same place (Iverson Dental) from High school until I was 26 and now I get to stay home with my kiddos. :)

I tag Kelli, Marci, Sharee, Jeri and Sarah


K.Booth said...

Hey, Mckell I am laughing at your five places you have lived..........I also am with you on the chocolate and wheat thins......two of my favorites!!!

The Mills said...

Hey we got your x-mas card! It is so dang cute, Thanks