Thursday, November 20, 2008

East Bench

On Monday, me and my friends Angie and Debbie went on a bike ride on the east bench. It was such a beautiful day. The temperature was perfect and the trail was so fun. The views were incredible as you can see except for all the smoke and smog. Angie was ready to be done after this, but we talked her into continuing. Debbie is an amazing biker and she is always telling us that the trail gets easier just ahead. Yeah, don't believe her anymore, but I'm glad I have someone to push me and set the pace.
Just love coming around the corner to Debbie and her camera.

Angie smiling in spite of the pain

Me and Angie enjoying the rest

1 comment:

K.Booth said...

Hey Mckell Chad said he saw you guys!!! enough about chad this has nothing to do w/ him............but I got your comment about Twilight..............and Edward well I could just have him for dinner with a side of potatoes...........he is sooo cute in the movie..........(get through the first ten minutes of him and you will fall in love all over again Ha! HA!)